Cover Crop / Food Plot Seed
Orders can be placed for Spring 25' cover crop and food plot seed beginning in January.
We are pleased to now be bringing you cover crop and wildlife food plot seed! We have had a number of customers asking us for these items and we are happy to now be able to offer a selection of products to fill that need. We are teaming up with the folks at Green Cover to bring you quality seed at great prices.
Our website does not show all Green Cover products available. If you have a need for any of the other Green Cover Products or would like a seed blend formulated for you just email us for a price quote. When you are in the 0n-line store you will see a complete description for each product.
In order to bring you the cost savings on cover crop seed, spring orders will need to be placed by Janruary 31st, pickup and shipping dates for those orders will be Febrary 28th - April 30th. Summer orders in time for fall planting will need to be placed by June 1st, pickup and shipping dates will need to be between July 15th - August 15th. Keep in mind that if you are ordering larger quantities of seed, that will need to be shipped, it may be cheaper to order directly from Green Cover, we are happy to check on shipping cost estimates for you. The greatest savings will be for those customers who are needing smaller quantities of seed and/ or picking up larger orders directly from us.
*Product quantity is limited to Green Cover's inventory at the time of your order.
Summer Release Blend
A mix of Laredo Forage Soybeans, Cowpeas (Iron & Clay), Mung Beans, Sunn Hemp, Foodplot Grain sorghum, Smart Radish, Trophy Rapeseed, Black Oil Sunflower, Mancan Buckwheat
Fall Release Blend
A mix of Kentucky Pride Crimson Clover, Fixation Balansa Clover, Balady Berseem Clover, 4010 Spring Forage Pea, Austrian Winter Peas, Hayden Spring Oats, Cosaque Black Oats, Elbon Cereal Rye, Gunner Triticale, Smart Radish, Purple Top Turnip, Mancan Buckwheat
Buckwheat $2.14 / lb
Cereal Rye $0.83 / lb
Coolseason Pollinator Mix $2.34 / lb
Crimson Clover $4.73 / lb
Dutch White Clover $11.37 / lb
Grain Sorghum $2.32 / lb
Red Clover (Medium) $7.60 / lb
View Blocker Sorghum Screen $3.20 / lb
Spring Oats $ 0.78/ lb